Are you shouting your story to an empty room?

The art of moving forward is to understand your audience

But….the real question is….

Are you understanding them?


One of the big main things that is really changing is the cycle of communication yet so many companies are not just grabbing this.

If you are wanting to create an audience – whether they buy your product or service or not – you need to make sure you aren’t just trying to sell constantly.

The whole ethos of having a Audience and Community is to actually engage or create a starting point or discussion.

Take for example the Media channels we hear, see or read each and every day – they are operating a sinlge of point of reaching out and stop there.

Whether it is the radio, television or newspaper (in physical print or on-line), they will announce a story and discuss leaving you to take it forward BUT it ends there!

They create the starting point and then their audience/community will share and comment yet they don’t reply but the if you are lucky, the person behind the story may make an appearence and add their comments, yet this is rare!

So, don’t be disappointed if you post something on Facebook or Twitter and people don’t comment, look at what else is done with it. How many likes, emotions, retweets or shares you get, can show the level and interests of what your audience/community is looking for.

The whole aspect which so many people and companies are still not grasping is that we left the world of Social Media several years ago and entered into the world of Social Business.

Now, in 2016, we are actually moving forward via many aspects within The Social Family via Social Community, Social Engagment, Social Selling and Social Telling – the big question is, are you embracing/adapting this ethos?

So, forget about selling, create the engagement factor that will get people communicating with you and this will build up the trust factor.

Using tools that will make you listen to see what your audience and community are discussing, will give you the foundations to work from.

For example, if you are marketing and promoting your products to your audience/community via mediums which have the age demographics of 35 plus, why are you doing this when your target market is 14 to 25 age groups?

The art of identifying your marketplace is so much easier in 216 with all the tools that are on offer to you and this investment will create a much better RoI for you than paying for adverts, email marketing and SEO!

What is the point in spending out on email marketing or Facebook adverts if your really audience is using items like Pinterest, Snapchat and Tumblr?

You need to make sure you truly are looking at how #TheNewWayToEngage and #NewWayToWork is being used by today’s Audience and Community’s – as if they are are there and using it, what is the point in doing what you are doing?

To use an old saying….

“Why shout to empty room as no one is there to hear you…..”

So, step back, listen, create and engage!

This is where we can truly help you to identify what to be listening for and which are the rooms you need to be in and how to bring the two together…..


To learn more about how you you need to be creating your Social Strategy and implementing all the other aspects of The Social Family, then complete the form below to discover how we can help your company:-

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